У рударском и агрегатном сектору прераде, ефикасност опреме и трајност су критични. Штитник је једна од кључних компоненти које има значајан утицај на перформансе крилице вилице. For operators of the Trio 4254 jaw crusher, the introduction of jaw plates with TIC (Tungsten Carbide Insert) technology has revolutionized the way they achieve wear resistance and service life.
Каталица вилице је главни део јављача. They are responsible for crushing the material as it passes through the machine. The design and material composition of these plates directly affects the efficiency, output and overall service life of the crusher. Traditional jaw plates are typically made from manganese steel, which has good wear resistance, but can still wear out relatively quickly under heavy use.
Време поста: 18.10.2024